Friday, November 7, 2008


Preliminary revisions -- outlines, lyrics, tabs and sound designs. Whatever happens before actual recording is the focus for this weekend. There will be more of a spotlight on a Karmath song, "LCD", as I've found that the recording process for this one has been a little more easy going and fun. Mainly this is due to a guitar track based on acoustic guitars turned into a distorted blend. This makes it so that I don't have to go through more hassles with electric tones and amateur nuances. Acoustic tinkering makes for a fuller sound, a more organic oomph. The end result sounds vastly different than the raw recording, but I haven't found too many instances where the "raw" sound is the end sound in Patch, unless "Raw" is more of a descriptive idea pertaining to the sound design. Then, "LCD" is raw in every sense of the metaphorical implications -- at least that's what I wanted for the sound. Here the term on my notes was "Western Sludge".

Thinking on it, I have a big feeling I won't be able to create different soundscapes for each of the songs I'm planning to record. They will have a certain sound (the "recorded in a small bedroom yet trying not to sound like it" sound), and for all intents and purposes, these demos will sound different than the recordings I make for the actual releases (as they should). This is a Patch session, and it will span two and a half months worth of recording. It will be the first glimpse into future projects and storylines. Surface skimming. I haven't made my mind up on what to record first once I get the band in place, but when that time comes, each record will have its own distinct aura and feel. At least I hope. I cherish that quality in artists' catalogues -- you can totally differentiate albums and EP's from one another, and not in a chronological way (80's recording sounds vs. 90's and 2000's, for example). It's all in sound design and visual frameworks. For instance, I SOURCE/HUE is a black/white dichotomy, SOUND. OF. STATIC. is a yellowish urban tint, CELLULOID CLOUD is an orangish urban tint, KARMATH is geometric and basic in design, but blueish in tone.

Too many ideas . . . it's time to start working on the surface palette.

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