Sunday, December 14, 2008

LCD (Lips Condemned and Dumb)

The easiest material from which to draw inspiration is that which is closest to you.

Common visits of mind numbing blinders
Pulled over my eyes and ears
I always sensed his ultimate betrayal
Providing him the opportunity to correct his faults
You try to change fate
Yet you’re always left to chance
Predetermined by the metaphysical laws of learning

What one can and cannot say in teaching
Advice goes unhinged
Like stray invisible light waves
We fight to answer the questions for others who never bother to ask
Or are afraid to
Even when it means life or death

The laws of Karmath go unbroken

It’s not betrayal if you knew it was coming all along
It was predetermined logic
Betrayal would have been a broken Karmathian law
Impossible to obtain
The lowest common denomination of life – laws of living.

What goes up must come down
No one is created equal, despite our claims for the opposite
A guiding hand is only felt by those who ask for one

"LCD" Clip (ASCAP)

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