Sunday, October 17, 2010

Show 2

Show 2: Big V's Saloon, St. Paul

1. Preclusion
2. Acknowledgments
3. Here Again
4. The Private Collective

Another exhausting set. However, the audience hasn't been privy to that. They've said the shows have been uber intense and energetic throughout. Greg was on fire, moving around, head banging. Paul was a little more calm. Thank god for the adapter and daisy chain I purchased this past week, because now all our pedals are in working order!

I was worried about Here Again. It's really easy to screw up that song, since it's actually melodic and relies on written tabs, rather than things we threw together off of melodies I sang to Paul and Greg to figure out on their own. It turned out great. Best song of the night, actually, for me at least.

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