Saturday, January 16, 2010

The Brainwashed Eyes for CGI

I hate on CGI. I do. I can't stand it. If it's seamless, go for it. Lots of cool green screen overlays and backgrounds have wow'd me (most of television uses green screens for their city backgrounds, since they film on a soundstage or studio backlot). But I think we're brainwashed into thinking CGI is a good thing.

Avatar was fake to me.

The Abyss and Terminator 2 were not.

Am I the only one who was distracted by the CGI in Avatar? Everyone's flaunting the movie as the NEXT BIG THING . . . for what, furthering the suspension of stupidity for believing cartoon characters amidst live action shots? Give me full on computer animation, Pixar, whatever, but I hate blending. It kills it.

Christopher Nolan only used CGI when it was ABSOLUTELY necessary in the Batman resurgence. Everything else was model based. It looked great, despite some obvious computered images. The aforementioned T2 and Abyss . . . they used liquid forms in their computer generated images, and it was fine. The T-1000 was great, since it was minimal. The alien form in Abyss was water based, it looked cool. You can't do convincing modeling with liquid forms without making it look cheesy.

Yeah, Avatar made me cry. Not gonna lie. But Dances with Wolves is better. Just sayin'. Ain't one bit o' CGI going on there. It's more convincing.

Sorry for pooing all over the Avatar craze, but yeah . . . CGI still isn't cutting it for me.

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