Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fuck Limbo

I have a habit of getting excited easily. I also have a habit of announcing what it is I'm excited about too early in the game. Omiss is one of those things.

I'm sick of Omiss. The way it is . . . it's too complicated, and it wasn't supposed to be that difficult of a project.

I'm thinking about keeping one track, Limbo, since it pretty much covers the gist of Omiss. The rest of Project 2? Let's just say I'm currently looking into topics other than the Limbo of Love for some inspiration. More muses are coming from those areas anyway . . . plus, I think the inspiration for Omiss has subsided in reality for the time being. It's actually made me more calm.

Currently reading Howard Zinn in sort of an observance of his recent death. Maybe I can come up with another "Nebraska" this weekend.

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